Where Is the Glory?

Sep 29, 2024    Hayes Wicker

1. Where is the glory? God's presence is manifested among His people (4:21, 22;


A. His glory flowed in the channel of history and revelation

B. His glory was focused in a receptacle of worship

C. His glory is now focused in the "temples" of believers

2. Where is the glory? Sinners' idolatry is judged by God (5:1-6, 12)

A. Key Questions (1 Samuel 5)

i. Where shall we put it?

ii. What can we do to fix it?

iii. How can we get rid of it?

B. Great Confusion (1 Samuel 6)

i. They confused the exodus with their experience

ii. They confused generosity with idolatry

iii. They confused redemption with reparation

iv. They confused providence with chance

3. Where is the glory? Believers' disobedience is judged by God (6:13-15, 19-21)

A. They started on the right path of revival

B. They strayed from the path by irreverence